Artificial Intelligence
October 17, 2024
October 17, 2024

Current Challenges for Ethical AI Adoption in the United Kingdom

AI brings scale and efficiency opportunities, but there is a growing recognition that specific AI regulation may be needed.

Current Challenges for Ethical AI Adoption in the United Kingdom

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Vet candidates & ask for past references before hiring

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The United Kingdom is one of the world’s largest markets forregulatory technology, and Artificial Intelligence is disrupting this keyindustry.  

AI brings scale and efficiency opportunities, but there is agrowing recognition that specific AI regulation may be needed to address theunique challenges and risks associated with AI technology in high-risk usecases, such as justice, policing, security, medical, and other regulatedindustries. The UK government has been actively exploring options for AIregulation, yet no laws have been established to date.


Current Challenges for Ethical AI Adoption:

One of the key challenges in ethical AI is the potential forbias. AI models can inherit biases from the data they are trained on, leadingto discriminatory outcomes. To address this, AI and Automated Decision Making(ADM) logic needs to be transparent and explainable. Castlepoint Systemspioneered rules-as-code, an Explainable AI (XAI) paradigm that ensuresdecisions arising are not obfuscated, and can be contested if required.  

Privacy and security is a major concern , as AIsystems oftencollect and process large amounts of personal data. Castlepoint Systems in theUK is committed to protecting user privacy by implementing robust data securitymeasures and adhering to strict UK data privacy regulations, such as the UK GeneralData Protection Regulation (GDPR) and national security laws. CastlepointSystems also uses a manage-in-place model, meaning that data never leaves itssecure systems, and is not duplicated or modified. Castlepoint provides secure certifiedcloud hosting for its innovative Information Asset Register, but also supportsBYO Cloud, on premises, and air gapped deployments for the most sensitiveorganisations.  


Addressing the Challenges:

In addition to these ethical considerations, CastlepointSystems is also focused on the social and economic implications of AI in theUK. The company provides AI applications that aree used to address pressingsocial challenges, such as healthcare, education, and child safety.

Link to case study:

By addressing these ethical challenges and focusing on thesocial and economic benefits of AI, Castlepoint Systems is working to disruptand uplift the UK's ethical AI landscape, bringing world-leading XAI technologyto the economy and benefitting our wider community. The company's commitment todeveloping responsible and trustworthy AI solutions is helping to shape afuture where AI is a force for good.

Contact our UK team to find out how we can bring trusted,Explainable AI solutions to your information challenges, so that you cancontrol your risk and command your data.